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Ideation / Main page

Ideation + planning



  1. Narrow done the scope:
    ICT field, jobs involving strong ICT knowledge and skills
    Finland: BBA in Business Information Technology students
    Austria: BBA in Knowlege and media (?) students
  2. Showing the business need +
    Finding out what kind of interaction skills employers appreciate
    - Going through job ads (Monster on 24.11. about 20-30 ICT ads in both countries)
    - Interviewing people involved in the recruitement process for ICT employees (3-5 people)
    - Earlier research, statistics or similar information
    > Survey of Finnish Association for ICT BA's
  3. Defining interaction skills
    - Define what are interaction skills:
    a) Look how communication/business study books aimed for tertiary level students define it or what kind of content do they propose for teaching.
    b) Look for theoretical definition in academic communication / business literature
    c) ICT companies: what do they think are essential elements of interaction skills
    d) Ask students for definitions
    d) Define related concepts (communication skills, networking skills, social skills

  4. Comparing students & employers views
  5. Comparing results in different cultures



Discuss & brainstorm

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